Vilni. Ukrainian Design Shop at VDW 22

Ukraine EU-Beitrittskandidat

In The Ocean children book illustrations

Datum magazine cover (April 2022)

Logo and ID for Bohodukhiv town in Ukraine

Suzuki Way of Life magazine illustrations

Love letters Servus magazine illustrations

Book project for personal Bat Mitzvah present

Ukraine in the mirror of Japan

Book of colors

First Chaikhana. Kharkiv

Food illustration for Estrella

Watercolor portraits

Hofer baby food watercolor illustrations

lislis forest book

Watercolor posters

Illustration for McDonalds Ukraine

Olivье grocery store (Vienna)

Watercolor illustrations

Peak centre logo and ID

Eleven shoes for kids

Dvorichia's creamery

Libraria. Speak easy
Cocktails & Jazz

«Barbaris» after shopping cafe

Watercolors by Mariczka Ruban

Oleos sunflower oil

Farmer Market supermarket

Sacha and the witch without friends

Ukrainische Kulturtage in Wien

Honey cake

Parasolka vid nasylstva (Umbrella against violence)

Frau Strudel mono cafe

"Book" center in literature museum in Kharkiv

Khrust (crunch) cookies laboratory

Cupcake studio

Restaurant day (Kharkiv.Live)

Christmas Arsenal

Holiday postcards

Christmas postcard for Decoroom

25th anniversary of Kharkiv Literature Museum

Bart flower centre

10 years in school of Andrzej Wajda

Churchkhela new packages

Brochure for yeast factory